Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Bark is the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants. Plants with bark include trees, woody vines, and shrubs. Bark refers to all the tissues outside the vascular cambium and is a nontechnical term. It overlays the wood and consists of the inner bark and the outer bark. The inner bark, which in older stems is living tissue, includes the innermost layer of the periderm. The outer bark on older stems includes the dead tissue on the surface of the stems, along with parts of the outermost periderm and all the tissues on the outer side of the periderm. The outer bark on trees which lies external to the living periderm is also called the rhytidome.

Products derived from bark include bark shingle siding and wall coverings, spices and other flavorings, tanbark for tannin, resin, latex, medicines, poisons, various hallucinogenic chemicals and cork. Bark has been used to make cloth, canoes, and ropes and used as a surface for paintings and map making.[2] A number of plants are also grown for their attractive or interesting bark colorations and surface textures or their bark is used as landscape mulch.

Read more, here.

Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Materials and Production of Wood Chips

The raw materials of woodchips can be pulpwood, waste wood, and residual wood from agriculture, landscaping, logging, and sawmills. Woodchips can also be produced from remaining forestry materials including tree crowns, branches, unsaleable materials or undersized trees.

Forestry operations provide the raw materials needed for woodchip production. Almost any tree can be converted into woodchips, however, the type and quality of the wood used to produce woodchips depends largely on the market. Softwood species, for instance, tend to be more versatile for use as woodchips than hardwood species because they are less dense and faster growing.

A wood chipper is a machine used for cutting wood into smaller pieces (chips). There are several types of wood chippers, each having a different use depending on the type of processing the woodchips will undergo.

Read more, here.

Come visit us for all your landscaping material needs. We have something for everyone.

Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Vanishing Waterfalls Easy DIY Planter Pot Fountain

Although I've done a pond this year, I still have so much planned for outside. This DIY Fountain wasn't on my radar originally, but I think it was a great addition to the lineup! It's a great example of what you can make with a little elbow grease and a solid idea. Plus, it's great to have the sounds of waterfalls on the property again! My wife and I have missed the sounds of our ponds since we moved, but this solves that issue for now.

Anyway, join me in this fun tutorial as I show you how I transformed a few planter pots into a beautiful, living piece of art. Enjoy!


Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Sunday, October 15, 2023

What is Mulch?

A mulch is a layer of material applied to the surface of soil. Reasons for applying mulch include conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility and health of the soil, reducing weed growth and enhancing the visual appeal of the area.

A mulch is usually, but not exclusively, organic in nature. It may be permanent (e.g. plastic sheeting) or temporary (e.g. bark chips). It may be applied to bare soil or around existing plants. Mulches of manure or compost will be incorporated naturally into the soil by the activity of worms and other organisms. The process is used both in commercial crop production and in gardening, and when applied correctly, can improve soil productivity.

Read more, here.

Come visit us for all your mulch and landscape material needs!

Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Do-It-Yourself Concrete From Dixon Landscape Materials

Dixon Landscape now offers a Do It Yourself (DIY) solution for your concrete needs. We have a fleet of small “portable cement mixers" that tow behind a vehicle and hold 1-yard of concrete, which continues to mix during transit so that it is an effective pour when it arrives at the destination.

It is a very inexpensive way to do a smaller job compared to buying concrete in a bigger truck. It is also more convenient and useful than mixing it yourself onsite – and a good deal less work as well.

We load all the ingredients onsite (concrete gravel, cement and water) into the “mixer trailer" while it is spinning here at Dixon Landscape…the mixer trailer is then ready to haul away to the job destination.

See more at https://dixonlandscapematerials.com/diy-concrete/


Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Monday, October 9, 2023

Try these if you’re looking for privacy in your backyard!

Landscaping for screening and privacy is a huge for homeowners.  If you are looking for privacy screening for your home, watch this! I've recently found Eagleston Hollies and I'm hopeful it will give us privacy and beauty for many years to come.  I’m in Savannah, GA coastal zone 8b - Eagleston Hollies do well in zones 6-9

I planted this hedge along my fence with four hollies in a way that allows me to have under plantings.  The idea is to soften the fence, add some height, beauty and privacy.  I'm excited to watch this screen grow, watch the birds visit the hollies for their berries and get a nice screen and privacy. If you are looking for a screening and privacy solution you've got to watch this.


Dixon Landscape Materials
150 East H Street
Dixon CA 95620

Friday, October 6, 2023

What Do We Offer?

Barks / Decorative Rocks / Aggregates / Soils / Sands / Pathfines / Flagstone / Bricks & Blocks / Pavers / Stepping Stone / Retaining Wall / Veneer Stone Sod / Rebar / Plastic Bender Board / Weed Block Fabric / More

150 East H Street | Dixon CA 95620
Email: Sales@Dixonlandscape.com
Phone: 707-678-8200
Fax: 707-678-8300

Summer: Mon-Sat 7am-5pm | Closed Sunday
Winter: Mon-Sat 8am-4pm | Closed Sunday

Note: On rainy days, we may not open or may close early.
If it is raining, call us first.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Contact Us

150 East H Street | Dixon CA 95620
Email: Sales@Dixonlandscape.com
Phone: 707-678-8200
Fax: 707-678-8300

Summer: Mon-Sat 7am-5pm | Closed Sunday
Winter: Mon-Sat 8am-4pm | Closed Sunday

Note: On rainy days, we may not open or may close early.
If it is raining, call us first.

707-678-8200 Sales