Friday, September 28, 2012

TechniSoil Aggregate Education Video

An explanation of what the best aggregates to use with TechniSoil products. An general guide of proper vs. improper aggregates.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mulching Tips & Techniques : Using Mulch in Landscaping

Spread piles of mulch with a hard rake to cover areas at the desire depth. Learn to use mulch for landscaping from a horticulturist in this free gardening video.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Black Mulch Gives Excellent Contrast!

At Dixon Landscape Materials we have always sold a lot of Black Mulch and had trouble keeping enough of it in stock, so now we stock 100 yards of it at a time!

Black Mulch is very popular for home landscaping around plants and bushes and is just as popular in commercial landscaping. The color gives excellent contrast with the plants, trees and bushes.

Dixon Landscape Materials is located at 150 East H Street in Dixon, CA. Call us at 707-678-8200 and visit our website at

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We Have Fir Bark!

Raj Hansra with Dixon Landscape Materials shows us the Walk-On Fir Bark which is very popular in landscaping and is much easier to work with than Gorilla Bark.

Dixon Landscape Materials, 150 East H St, Dixon CA. 707-678-8200.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Sand Products

Concrete Sand
Concrete Sand. A mix of coarse sand and small pebbles for use in making concrete.
Screened Sand
Screened Sand
Screened Sand is a fine sand that meets specific PG & E requirements and can be used under cement slabs or stepping stones.
Mason White Sand
Mason White Sand
Mason White Sand. Fine grain, clean sand which is excellent for masons and a number of other uses.
Playground Sand
Playground Sand
Playground sand.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rubber Bark Used In Landscaping

Rubber Bark Used In Landscaping
Rubber Bark Used In Landscaping
Rubber Bark
in Granite Grey color.
Rubber Bark
in Cypress Gold color.
Rubber Bark
in Grass Green color.
Rubber Bark
in Ocean Blue.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Beautiful Oak Tree Stepping Stones

Here's a new shipment of concrete steps that are made to look like Oak tree slices, yet will last for many years to come. These are so useful for stepping stones and add interest and natural colors to your garden area.

We carry a great selection of garden supplies in addition to our gravel and dirt! Come check it out.