Friday, July 26, 2019

How To Clean And Re-Stain A Deck | This Old House

This Old House general contractor Tom Silva breathes new life into a weather-beaten wood deck.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How to Build a Retaining Wall | DIY Made Easy

So you wanna build a retaining wall?
Here are our SIMPLE do-it-yourself steps on building a retaining wall that would serve as a great weekend project for any day you want.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Artificial Grass - Synthetic Lawns, Putting Greens, Pet Turf

Artificial grass helps save water, money, and water. If you need a water-less, zero maintenance lawn for your backyard, we have grass for that. If you want to practice your short game or have pets, installing synthetic lawn is a brilliant idea. Global Syn-Turf produces millions of square feet of turf every year. We have grass for everyone; from landscapes, playgrounds and putting greens to athletic fields, there is more grass than you can imagine.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

DIY Concrete Planter

In episode 16 of Ben shows how to make a concrete planter using an old cabinet.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

DIY ● Endless Dog Water Supply

Here's an easy do it yourself endless infinite water supply for your dog, cat, pet or farm animal. Animals love it. The water level stays constant and is always the same. Freshwater is always being supplied. Never runs out of fresh water. Constant water for your thirsty pets and animals. Garden hose is all that is connected.

Friday, July 5, 2019

How to Re-Stain a Deck | Ask This Old House

Ask This Old House painter Mauro Henrique teaches a homeowner how to re-stain her mahogany deck

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

How to Make Your Lawn Green in One Day - Solving Lawn Dilemmas

Don't know what to do with your lawn that doesn't look so well, and it's driving you crazy? With a synthetic lawn from Global Syn-Turf, all you need to worry is your neighbors mowing their yards, day after day.